Let the comparisons begin!

Poor Briano. Poor, poor Briano. He must be feeling a bit hard done by.

I don’t remember there being similar celebrations on his day. OK maybe it’s a bit much to look for similar celebrations. But at least some sort of celebrations fitting of his rise new position.

I don’t remember hours and hours of news coverage as he took up the job, or a parade. I’m sure there was a knees up, but I doubt it was a classy affair!

When ‘fellow’ Offaly man Barack Obama (I love the way we Irish cling on to extremely distant relations ) was inaugurated this week there was an overwhelming feeling that we were all standing on the edge of history, watching something great happen. When Briano became Taoiseach the overwhelming feeling was more of suspicion and fear. Why did Bertie resign, and can be we honestly send a man from Offaly out into the big bad world to represent us?

We’ve all really jumped on the Barack bandwagon, with our novelty bracks, half the nation’s journalists and photographers shipped off to the inauguration, and not forgetting the specially made whiskey! Oh and I hear Moneygall is even making a visitors’ centre in anticipation of the most powerful man in world visitng the Emerald Isle and popping into his eighth cousin’s home for a quick cuppa!

Is anyone eagerly anticipating a visit from our Briano over for a cuppa and a slice of Barack brack? Doubtful. Well unless it’s to give him a good talking to.

Briano surely does have some lessons to learn from Obama. Simple little things, like how to speack with conviction, and gain the trust of the nation.

Maybe if he invested in some decent speech writers, and took a few elocution lessons we’d have a little more faith in his capabilities to lead us out of this little recession and bring some stability back to the nation. Obama’s speech was well thought out, expertly written, and delivered as only a true noble statesman can.

Why can’tour Brian be like that? Never, not even once, have I watched him speak and felt like I was watching history unravel. Well at least not a history that we can reflect on with pride.

America’s economy is as bad as ours, if not worse. The difference? When you listen to Obama’s dedication to making things right you believe him. You trust that he will make the right decisions to make things better. Do we have that kind of faith in Briano? Not likely.

He’s only been in the job a couple of days, and already Obama has taken action on Guantanamo Bay, the withdrawl of troops from Iraq, and the economic crisis. Now we may not have our Guantanamo Bays here, but we are no less in need of strong leadership.

We need someone who can unite the nation, á la Obama, and take action before the country crumbles around us.

Whether Brian can do that, well we’re prepared to give him a chance. Even if only because he’s all we’ve got, and we’re not convinced of the greatness of the alternatives either.

Whatever happens, we could do with a good dose of the Obama factor here. Seeing a nation so united and hopeful on Tuesday was enough to bring a tear to even the most hardened cynic’s eye.

Something tells me Brian is cursing whoever it was that linked Obama to Offaly. But the real comparison will take place on March 17 when the two Biffos stand side by side over a bowl of shamrocks.

Oh dear!


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