If we’re looking to put doing something off into some non-existent future then there’s no more comforting word - a solution for all of life’s ills - than tomorrow.
Tomorrow - the mythical land where you’re a billionaire, have legendary levels of self-control and your favourite Hollywood actor finally comes to their senses and realises that you’re the love of their life!
Tomorrow is a real disease that can afflict anyone at any time if we’re not careful.
Here’s the crazy part about it all - there is no tomorrow. It feels warm and fuzzy to think that there will be one, but mathematically speaking there are a limited amount of tomorrows left, and eventually there will come a time when we’re not part of one. And we never know when that day will come.
One thing that I’ve found to be extremely beneficial for my clients and myself is a gradual mindset shift, treating tomorrow not like a guarantee but more as a bonus. With that perspective, we’re much less likely to treat tomorrow as a secret that we toss the things we chose to put off doing today into.
Instead, it becomes an opportunity, something we get to do.
A large part of why tomorrow seems so appealing is because it acts as a release valve for all the pressure and stress we have built up around having to be perfect right now and in the future.
We’ve all been there. Monday is the best day to start a diet for a reason. Overcoming that initial momentum of not doing anything can be rough.
When looking at an iceberg, you’re seeing less than 10 per cent - the tip of what’s actually there. If you could see the entire thing, it would probably blow your mind.
The same applies to your diet and training.
Free yourself from the overwhelming task of imagining the whole road ahead of you before you even take the first step and zoom in, choosing the simplest action that will bring you closer towards your objective, then do it - quick! What’s the easiest thing you can do to turn the tide of battle in your favour?
1. Put your actual workout clothes on.
2. Grab your music and turn on your favorite song.
3. Do one push up (or any exercise for that matter ).
4. Insert your own amazing option here.
By making the next step you take so simple and easy that it doesn’t sound the alarms in your mind that cause you to become paralyzed by focusing on everything that lies ahead, you can build on that one action that left you feeling accomplished and let the momentum carry you to the next task.
How much easier it is to plan your days with a personal trainer. There are a range of packages available now at the Sheraton Fitness - do not wait until tomorrow, summer is just round the corner.
For more information email fitness@sheratonathlonehotel.com or call (090 ) 6451020.