Irish Cancer Society launches Daffodil Day

Daffodil Day, supported by Dell, will take place in Westmeath on Friday March 27.

This year marks the 28th Daffodil Day.

According to the charity 10 people in Westmeath are diagnosed with cancer every week. This growth in cancer incidenc is sure to have a direct impact on its services - increasing the need for the people in Westmeath to support Daffodil Day so they can reach their fundraising target of €3.5 million for 2015.

Funds raised on Daffodil Day by thousands of volunteers across Ireland go directly to fund the work of the society across support, prevention, research, and advocacy. Night nursing is one service funded by Daffodil Day. In 2014 the society’s nurses provided 255 nights of care to 49 patients in Westmeath and this service is fully funded by the people of Westmeath who consistently support the work of the society.

John McCormack, chief executive officer, Irish Cancer Society, said: “We won’t give up until every person affected by cancer in Westmeath has the support they need and we need the support of everyone in Westmeath to make this possible. We know our volunteers won’t give up, we know Dell - our lead partner - won’t give up and we need every person in Westmeath to join us in this fight. We still have some way to go to fully support patients who will die from their cancer. We won’t give up until we reach that future without cancer – and I know the Irish public won’t either.”

To volunteer, organise, or donate CallSave 1850 60 60 60 or log on to


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