The Midoc out-of-hours urgent GP service for the Midland region has announced its opening hours for the Christmas period.
The HSE Midland area Midoc service is an urgent out-of-hours family doctor service. There are three public holidays between Christmas and New Year which Midoc will cover in addition to their usual evening and weekend service.
Midoc is not a drop-in service and contact should only be made through the 1850 number. The service should only be used for cases that cannot wait for the next routine surgery. Please contact Midoc at 1850 302 702 to talk to a triage nurse before you present to the Midoc centre.
The HSE asks potential patients to be mindful that the service is only for patients who require urgent GP medical care during the festive season. Midoc will provide its normal range of services as deemed medically appropriate, including free nurse advice.
The Midoc opening hours over the Christmas period are as follows:
Wednesday December 24 - 6pm-8am
Thursday December 25 - 24 hours
Friday December 26 - 24 hours
Saturday December 27 - 24 hours
Sunday December 28 - 24 hours
Monday December 29 - 6pm-8am
Tuesday December 30 - 6pm-8am
Wednesday December 31 - 6pm-8am
Thursday January 1 - 24 hours
Friday January 2 - 6pm-8am
Saturday January 3 - 24 hours
Sunday January 4 - 24 hours
Monday January 5 - service resumes as normal
To assist Midoc in providing the best quality service, the public can help the Midoc staff by having the following information available: patient’s name, if known to you; contact telephone number - landline, if possible, plus mobile; current location of the patient; patient’s date of birth or age; name of patient’s own family doctor; patient’s medical card number, if applicable; and details of the patient’s current medication list.
In addition, if you think the patient is in immediate danger, say so as soon as your call is answered and then follow the instructions. Do not call for routine matters that can wait until your doctor is back in his/her surgery. Make sure that you get prescriptions filled so that you have enough medication over the holiday season, and have your medicine cabinet or first aid box stocked.