Moate school in regional heat of school choir competition

A choir from Moate Community School is to battle it out next week to win a coveted place at the grand final of this year’s All Island School Choir competition.

The Moate choir is up against Convent of Mercy, Roscommon; St Joseph’s Secondary School, Castlebar; St. Brigid’s Convent of Mercy, Tuam; and St Mary’s Secondary School, Ballina in the regional heat which takes place in the College Chapel in Maynooth University.

The choir regularly performs at competitions, school events, charity performances, and various community occasions. This year the choir’s achievements include first place and best overall choir at the Kiltimagh Choral Festival.

The regional heat will see them compete to get to the grand final which takes place in Titanic Belfast on Sunday November 16 and will be screened live by RTÉ.

Over 400 choirs applied for the competition, which is now in its sixth year, and each of the regional heats will have five finalists.

Clare McCoy of the Northern Ireland Tourist Board said: “It is wonderful to once again see such a fantastic response from schools to the All Island School Choir competition. NITB is delighted that the iconic Titanic Belfast will play host again this year to the grand final in November and we are looking forward to welcoming the choirs and their families to Belfast for what I am sure will be an incredible event.”


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