Westmeath primary schools to be honoured for science and maths excellence

Ten Westmeath primary schools will receive the esteemed Discover Primary Science and Maths (DPSM ) award for science and maths excellence.

The DPSM Awards, which are celebrating their 10th anniversary this year, are run through the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI ) Discover Programme. St Peter’s National School, Athlone is one of 16 schools nationwide who will receive their 10th award of science and maths excellence, and will be presented with a prize from Abbott Ireland.

The DPSM Award requires primary schools to complete activities under five criteria to encourage a whole-school approach to maths and science excellence. These include engaging in hands-on DPSM science and maths activities, visiting DPSM Discover Centres, and attending or hosting science events. Hundreds of schools also participated in Greenwave, a nationwide project to track the advent of spring, as part of the awards programme. Participating schools recently submitted their log books for evaluation.


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