Stay sun safe in the heatwave!

With the sun splitting the stones, schools finishing for the summer, and families planning their summer break, totalhealth pharmacies have issued some useful tips to stay safe in the sun:

Sun: Stay out of the sun between 11am and 3pm. Protect yourself with a high sun protection factor (SPF ) with UVA protection, along with a hat, sunglasses, and t-shirt. Apply a complete sun block to children and reapply frequently, especially after swimming.

Sunburn: If you get sunburn, stay out of the sun for a few days until the sunburn dies down. Drink plenty of water. Ask your pharmacist about appropriate creams and painkillers to relieve symptoms and bring down a temperature. Severe cases of sunburn may require special burn cream and dressings. Ask your pharmacist for advice. If you have severe sunburn with headaches, nausea, vomiting or dizziness, go to your GP.

Alcohol and the sun: Be careful when drinking alcohol in hot weather as it can cause dehydration. Avoid swimming or engaging in sporting activities if you have taken alcohol.

Medication: Make sure to bring along an adequate supply of any prescription medication on holidays. Always carry some medication in your hand luggage in case your checked-in luggage is delayed.

Stomach upsets: If barbequing or eating foods you’re not used to, make sure the food is fully cooked all the way through and always keep cooked food separate from raw food. This will help avoid food poisoning. If you suffer diarrhoea, drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. Ask your pharmacist for advice on non-prescription medicines to bring on holidays to treat the condition immediately.

Insect bites: Bring insect repellent to protect from bites. If you get bitten, wash with soap and water and apply a cool compress or calamine lotion to help cool down the area. Finally, apply some antiseptic cream to avoid infection. If you suffer a severe allergic reaction, seek medical assistance immediately.


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