Loose horses causing great unrest in Brawny - O’Rourke

This week Fianna Fáil councillor Aengus O’Rourke is calling on the town council to repair the damaged perimeter fence around the Lissywollen housing estate, Brawny.

“The residents of Brawny have had enough at this stage, they have endured the problem of loose horses in their estate for too long now. The horses are most likely making their way into the estate through gaps in the perimeter fence.”

Cllr O’Rourke went on to highlight the mess these horses were leaving behind, saying they also damage the green areas and gardens in the estate. “Loose horses on the roads in the estate are a danger, they also only have to walk up to the top of the road and they are on the Ballymahon Road,” he said.

“In my view the first step is to repair the damaged fences around the estate. Horses follow each other so if one makes its through a gap in a fence the rest of the herd will follow.

“I have been in touch with the Town Clerk to make him aware of the situation. The council is aware that I would like this work carried out soon in order to nail this issue once and for all.”


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