Westmeath stands up against bullying

On Friday March 7 the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is holding the third ISPCC Anti Bullying Shield Campaign.

As part of the campaign the ISPCC will be holding a day of action in which they are asking people in Westmeath to help raise funds to develop this vital service in schools across the county.

Volunteers are needed to sell the ISPCC Shield Pin for a few hours in their local area on Friday March 7.

Help the ISPCC spread the message that bullying is unacceptable and needs to be stopped.

Bullying is not a new phenomenon, it has impacted, and continues to impact greatly on the lives of many children, having not only short-term, but also long-term effects. Standing up against bullying is not something we can do alone, it is something that the whole community has a role in dealing with.

For more information on how you can help the ISPCC stand up against bullying in Westmeath contact Rita on (085 ) 8042730 or log on to www.ispcc.ie


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