Your New Year exercise regime

January is New Year resolution time and probably the most popular resolution is exercising more or joining a gym. Exercise will not only make you look good, it will make you feel good, as it releases endorphins in the brain that enhance our mood. Physiotherapist Sinead Brogan at Whelehans Pharmacy in Mullingar explains some of the most common mistakes to avoid, to ensure you continue exercising long into 2014.

Mistake 1: Unrealistic goals

We tend to be very impatient when it comes to exercise and losing weight. If your main aim is to lose weight, it will take you a while to achieve your ideal healthy weight and your goals should reflect this fact. Having a weekly target will help keep you focused.

Mistake 2: Not doing something you enjoy

Do things you enjoy. Pick something that you find fun, eg swimming, rollerblading, aerobics, cycling. Many people find team sports or group activities such as spin classes, five-a-side soccer, or tag rugby more enjoyable and a great way to meet new people.

Mistake 3: Failing to plan

If you do not plan your exercise regime you are less likely to keep it up. You should plan set days of the week that you will exercise and try to stick with these - no matter how tired you feel after work!

Mistake 4: Doing it all alone

Find an exercise partner. People who exercise with a partner or group are more likely to stick with a regular routine. Involve family members and friends. You will be less likely to skip your workout if you know somebody else is counting on you.

New physiotherapy service

Whelehans physiotherapy service is with chartered physiotherapist Sinead Brogan. Reduced rates for over 60s and affiliated sport clubs.

Whelehans Pharmacy, 38 Pearse Street, Mullingar (opposite the Greville Arms Hotel ). Book the physiotherapy service by calling Sinead at (083 ) 1722171.


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