Services and information open day in Mullingar Park Hotel

A services and information open day by Westmeath Disabilities will take place today, Friday December 5 from 11am to 5.30pm in the Mullingar Park Hotel.

Organised by Westmeath Disabilities the open day will give members of the public an opportunity to find out more about disability services in county Westmeath, along with having their questions answered by experts.

Organised by the Disability Working Group the event is free to members of the public. The Mullingar Park Hotel will host a variety of stalls with information on a wide range of services which are available to people living with disabilities in Westmeath.

Speakers on the day will include Deputy Mary O’Rourke; Joe Potter CEO, Westmeath Community Development Ltd; Cllr Detty Cornally Leas Cathaoirleach of Westmeath County Council; and Hugh McGuire Chairman of the PWDI. 

“The open day will cover all aspects of disabilities,” explains Linda Jo Quinn, co-ordinator for the local social inclusion programmes. “Everyone from MS Ireland, PWDI, and Irish Wheelchair Association will be there on the day.”

“There are a lot of services out there, and one of the things we hope to do at the open day is let people know that these servicces exist for them,” she added.

The event has been funded by Westmeath County Development and is the first of its kind. The organisers hope that, if this open day is successful, more of its kind will be run across the county in the coming months. The open day will be officially launched in the Mullingar Park Hotel at 2pm, today, Friday December 5.

There will be over 40 stands from: Adult Educational Guidance Service;

Alzheimer Society of Ireland; Citizens Information Office; The Carers Association; Institute of Technology Athlone - Disability Office; Irish Osteoporosis Society; Irish Sudden Infant Death Association; GROW (Ireland ) Community Mental Health Movement; Special Olympics Leinster; People with Disabilities in Ireland- Westmeath Network; 1428 Active Retirement Club Ltd; Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary (St Marys South Hill ); Westmeath Centre for Independent Living Ltd; Jack and Jill Childrens Foundation; FAS; Donal Murtagh -Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles; Muscular Dystrophy Ireland National Learning Network; St Hildas Service for the Mentally Handicapped; Disability Activation Project; Hollister Ltd; RehabCare Athlone; Westmeath Community Development; Irish Deaf Sports Association; National Council for the Blind of Ireland; Irish Wheelchair Association; Flannovations Ireland; APT; HSE Suicide Resource Service; HSE  Regional Disability Services; CASA; Alopecia Support     

Midland Employment Support Agency; Irish Migraine Association

Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary (Siol Resource Centre and Cill Cuan ); Parents and Friends of the Mentally Handicapped Mullingar and District; Mullingar Mental Health Association; Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland; and Basic Skills Learning - Westmeath VEC.

For more information lof on to, or call (044 ) 9330843.


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