Naloc - new treatment for discoloured nails

Naloc is a new topical treatment for discoloured or deformed nails caused by nail fungus or psoriasis. It is proving very popular and the team in Whelehans have been getting a lot of queries about Naloc since it was recently launched.

Naloc prevents the growth of nail fungus, gives a smooth nail surface, and restores the moisture balance in the nail. Naloc has shown improvement in the appearance of fungal nails after only two weeks, and 92 per cent of patients reported an improvement after eight weeks. Naloc generally needs to be used for three to six months in order to achieve a significant improvement in the appearance of the nail. One 10ml tube of Naloc treats three nails for up to three months. It is a once-daily treatment and offers the convenience of not requiring the nail to be filed. Naloc may be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

What are the symptoms of fungal nail infections?

The nail becomes thickened and discoloured. The nail can turn white, black, yellow, or green but is generally not painful. However, occasionally, thickened or brittle nails can occur in people suffering from psoriasis and is unrelated to fungal growth.

Treating a fungal nail infection

Treatment can take several months to work. The two main treatment options are either antifungal tablets or antifungal nail paint. These are available on prescription. However, for the first time two viable alternatives have become available in pharmacies. In addition to Naloc, Whelehans now sell Curanail, a new anti-fungal paint which was available only on prescription until now. It is a once-weekly paint and is now available from Whelehans in Mullingar without prescription to treat fungal nail infections.

If you are unsure what is causing discolouring or other problems with your nails, call into Whelehans; they now have a consultation room and their pharmacist can check your feet in private. A chiropodist can also treat fungal nail infections. Whelehans have a chiropodist in store on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He offers a reduced rate of €25 for over 60s.

Naloc is available from Whelehans Pharmacy, 38 Pearse Street, Mullingar (opposite the Greville Arms Hotel ). Tel (044 ) 9334591, see, or find on Facebook.


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