The Midlands branch of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD ) is pleased to announce details of an upcoming event: Embedding a Coaching Culture in an Organisation/ CIPD Midlands annual general meeting. The event, which is kindly sponsored by Vhi Healthcare and Wineport Lodge, will take place in Wineport Lodge at 6pm on Wednesday, April 18, where the principal speakers will be Ray Byrne, president, Midlands Gateway Chamber; Paula King, executive director, Kingstown College; and Tom Ryan, chairman, CIPD Midlands Region.
This is the final event in CIPD Midlands Region Committee’s exciting programme of events for 2011/2012. The overriding theme throughout the 2011/2012 programme of events has been a focus on ‘Providing a Practical Approach to People Management’.
In a time of transition and change, coaching has proven to be a powerful intervention for organisations, assisting individuals to raise their performance, remove obstacles to achievement, and find their own solutions to work related barriers or problems. In this thought provoking and practical input you will learn techniques to assist people to become more flexible and emotionally resilient in meeting the needs of a changing organisation. You will be introduced to some powerful coaching approaches and gain insights into how to create a coaching culture which will minimize uncertainty and help people to maximize their performance.
Paula King MSc FIIC, MIIC is a master coach and president of the European Mentoring and Coach Council in Ireland. She held a number of senior positions prior to setting up her own business including director of European Projects with a focus on equality and diversity and Head of HR, Sussex University. She has qualifications in psychology and counselling and holds an MSc in coaching and organisational development from Portsmouth University. Her thesis was on ‘Embedding a Coaching and Mentoring Culture in Organisations’. Paula is recognised by the British Psychological Society as Level A and B qualified in psychometric testing.
Paula has over 15 years experience in executive coaching, mentoring, training, and HR. She has worked with many of the leading companies in Ireland and Europe in this respect and has experience with a broad range of clients from big four accountancy, to SMEs to NDP-funded organisations. She has established a deserved reputation as being one of the most influential people in the field of coaching in Ireland. Paula’s current clientele consists of leaders with influence, CEOs, politicians, and members of the media. She deeply believes in the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and Kingstown College as an organisation supports the Rose Project, the MS Society in Ireland, and locally a number of youth initiatives.
This will be followed by the AGM of CIPD Midlands region. As always, the AGM is open to all, and attendees on the night are encouraged to get involved. This is a great opportunity to keep up to date with CIPD issues that may be of interest to you.
Expressions of interest in relation to committee membership can be sent to Alternatively, please contact any current committee member for further information.
The CIPD Midlands region provides a forum for HR and business leaders in both public and private enterprises to network and share information, skills, and best practice in the area of human resource management, employment law, employee and industrial relations.
To attend this event, please RSVP to by close of business on Monday April 16.
Should you wish to be placed on the distribution list, please contact: Patrick O’Brien, CIPD Midlands region, by emailing