Investigation works for sewerage scheme

Westmeath County Council wishes to notify that an Archaeological Investigative Contract will commence from Tuesday March 20 until Friday May 11 during working hours from Monday to Saturday, pending archaeological findings.

Included in the proposed Athlone Sewerage Scheme is the design and construction of large diameter sewers using tunnelling method of construction within the town and under the river Shannon. During an initial assessment it was found that some of these works were within the zone of archaeological potential. The purpose of this archaeological investigative contract is to complete test excavations and any associated archaeological resolution with a view to preventing delays during the construction of the main contract.

The archaeologist (TVAS Ltd. ) will act as the main contractor with the civil contractor (Conwell Contracts ROI Ltd. ) acting as the specialist.

The archaeological contract will consist of excavating seven shaft locations at five different sites: junction of Abbey Road and Northgate Street; junction of Griffith Street and Wolf Tone Terrace; Bridge Street; The Quay and car parking at St Peters Port; and through road at Strand Street car park.

Road closures will be required for the duration of the contract and diversions will be in place. A map of the locations and schedule of streets affected is available on the council’s website


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