Do you have an allergy?

Do you suffer with tiredness and low energy, headaches, bloating, wind, recurring infections, or even a skin rash? Alma Greene at the Amber Centre in Mullingar can get to the root of the problem by doing a simple test through a process called kinesiology.

Eating foods that just don’t agree with us means our bodies are not breaking down these foods properly. These foods produce a huge volume of toxicity in the body and that causes all sorts of problems like skin rashes, bloating, wind, diarrhoea, constipation, headaches, aches and pains.

The Amber Centre have developed hair sample testing to facilitate clients from all over the country, and can post out a hair collection pack. Email [email protected] or text Hair Test followed by your name, address, and phone number to (087 ) 9060021. When the hair sample is tested they will then arrange to do the consultation over the phone. Results will also be posted directly to you.

Amber Allergy Testing is based at 75 Marlinstown Park, Mullingar. Call (044 ) 9344388 or (087 ) 9060021, or visit


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