Peeling back the years

As we get older, the metabolic rate of the skin slows down and it takes longer to renew itself. Skin becomes thicker, duller looking, and drier as oil glands become less active. Exfoliation is essential in helping skin to renew itself, take the dead layers away, and making it more receptive to skincare products. Skin peels are a method of exfoliation, helping to give a brighter and fresher appearance to the skin. They are also useful in controlling acne and preventing outbreaks.

The Laser and Skin Clinics use a variety types of peels, depending on your skin condition:

- Light peels - Glycolic (20-70 per cent ), Salicylic peels

- Medium peels - TCA, Jessner peels

Chemical peels are used to treat different skin problems, such as acne, sun spots, fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone and texture. They involve the use of chemicals such as Glycolic acid (20-70 per cent ), Salicylic acid, Jessner’s solution, and Trichloroacetic acid (TCA ). The chemical is applied to your skin and then removed after some time. The top layer of your skin peels off as a result, revealing newer, more youthful-looking skin. TCA and Jessner peels are two popular types of chemical peels.

Contact The Laser and Skin Clinic to book your free consultation on Mullingar (044 ) 9347800 or Athlone (090 ) 6498839. Visit for more information.


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