Get the right healthcare training

Impact Training Consultants has been based in Mullingar since 1991.

Back then there was no formal training for healthcare assistants, a situation that prompted Frances Guckian the proprietor of Impact Training Consultants to address by developing a programme that offered a four week course combining theory, practical work, and placement in a nursing home for on-site work experience.

Many years later and a very large percentage of past students are in employment either as carers or nurses, and the training continues. Since moving to larger premises in 2008 lectures cannow take place in the spacious and bright training hall and a practical room gives the student the opportunity to observe and develop the skills needed when caring for the most vunerable. Impact Training currently offer a diverse range of programmes which include a FETAC Level 5 in Health Care Support, a FETAC Level 5 Module in Care of the Older Person, Patient Moving, and Handling, and a range of first aid courses. Two new programmes are planned for the coming months.

Impact Training is proud of its long history in providing a high standard of a training that enables the participants to gain employment.

As a FETAC registered centre and training provider it is important to constantly monitor standards and improve where necessary. This has always been at the heart of the ethos of Impact Training. The Midlands-based company offers a comprehensive range of healthcare programmes supported by ancillary benefits eg, students can avail of a discount when buying uniforms and a reduction in fees if undertaking further training; career advice and assistance is all part of the service on offer. The staff in Impact Training are well placed to continue to deliver quality courses that lead to employment.

For more information call (044 ) 9340664, email on , or drop into their training centre which is based at Bishopsgate Street, Mullingar.


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