Therapie Clinic perfecting your look this summer

Therapie Clinic, Austin Friar Street, Mullingar is helping us raise our game when it comes to looking cover girl-ready this summer! Nothing beats a mega-watt, beautiful smile, and the secret to achieving this lies with a Polar White Pro Pen, available at Therapie Clinic. Winner of various international beauty awards, the Polar White Pro Pen is a revolutionary, low cost, but super-effective, teeth whitening pen that dramatically whitens teeth by up to six shades after just six applications.

The Polar White Pro Pen was recently featured on TV3’s Xpose and has been flying off the shelves at Therapie Clinic! The pen is at the very forefront of teeth-whitening innovation and has been clinically proven to gently but dramatically whiten even the most stained and tarnished teeth. What’s more - it’s a safe and pain-free method and suitable for even the most sensitive of teeth. Also, it’s fast, simple, and incredibly effective, simply brush on and leave for 60 seconds for the glaze to dry. The real beauty is the low cost, only €24.95 for a Hollywood-calibre smile!

Summer is also the time for fantastic, floaty, summer dresses. Get body confident by losing a couple of hard-to-lose pounds, just in time for the next sunny spell. Harder than it sounds? Wrong! Therapie Clinic has the answer in the shape of Cho-Yung Tea. Cho-Yung Tea uses an ancient Chinese recipe to help boost metabolism, remove harmful toxins, increase energy levels, and most importantly burn fat and help lose weight – and fast. It’s 100 per cent natural and just two cups a day is enough to burn unwanted fat away and help you to regain that figure you used to be proud of! It really is possible and thankfully it’s a sensible approach.

Pop into Therapie Clinic, Austin Friar Street in Mullingar to hear how it can work for you. To book a free consultation phone 1890 650 750 or log on to


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