Preparing for Birth antenatal workshop

Approaching the birth can be a time of mixed emotions for mums-to-be and their partners. Whether this is your first baby or you have given birth before, you probably have some questions and concerns. Preparing for Birth workshop has been designed to enable couples to feel they can approach birth with knowledge and confidence. Combining knowledge of the labour and birthing process with the benefits of yoga, this workshop covers many topics, including: understanding the process of labour; pain perception and resources for coping with pain; breathing and relaxation techniques; use of movement and gravity assisted positions; medical support; and transition to parenthood.

Although you cannot plan your labour, you can prepare for it. It is reassuring to learn that most women can experience labour and birth without complications; however, an open minded approach to birth is essential. After attending the Preparing for Birth workshop, you will feel more confident about your ability to give birth normally. You will also feel prepared to make informed decisions and use medical support wisely should you or your baby need assistance.

Bringing together their professional and personal experience of birth and beyond, registered midwife Elizabeth, and a Birthlight yoga instructor are offering Preparing for Birth classes on Saturday June 11 from 10am to 4pm at Phoenix Yoga Studio in Mullingar.

To book a place for yourself and your partner contact Elizabeth on (087 ) 4121821 or Laura on (086 ) 8159953.


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