Additional funding allocated for Westmeath schools - McFadden

Five schools in Westmeath will receive funding for repairs under the Government’s newly announced jobs initiative, Deputy Nicky McFadden has announced.

The schools to receive additional funding are Ballynacargy Mixed NS (roofs ), Scoil Naisíunta Brighde Buach Rochfortbridge (toilets ), St Mary’s NS Gracepark Road Athlone (roofs ), Loreto College Mullingar (roofs ), and Columba College Killucan (windows ).

“I am very happy that this additional funding has been announced. It is good news for the students and staff of these schools that facilities are being improved. The works will also provide employment,” said Deputy McFadden.

This funding is in addition to those schools already provided for under the summer works scheme.

The Government will provide an additional €30 million for school works nationwide, to supplement the €41 million already provided for under the summer works schemes

It will support approximately 2,400 direct and 480 indirect jobs across the county for the period of the works.


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