Westmeath communities hop into National Spring Clean for Easter!

Communities all around Westmeath are doing their part over the Easter bank holiday weekend to make their local areas a cleaner place to live with An Taisce’s National Spring Clean campaign. The National Spring Clean campaign is Ireland’s largest anti-litter initiative organised by An Taisce and funded by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.

Events due to take place in Westmeath next week include:

• On April 28, Cara Phort FRC, Mullingar, will be having a village clean-up for National Spring Clean. For more information please contact Maria Quinn on (044 ) 9373060.

• On April 30, Kilbeggan Tidy Towns will be taking part in this year’s National Spring Clean campaign. For more information please contact Gerard Corloran on (086 ) 4022538.

The National Spring Clean campaign is sponsored by Coca-Cola HBC Ireland and the Wrigley Company. It is also supported by Repak who supply colour-coded refuse sacks for recycling the materials collected.

All those registering for the National Spring Clean campaign are issued with a free clean-up kit which contains information, posters, colour-coded refuse sacks for segregation of waste materials, protective gloves and tabards to keep participants clean. National Spring Clean is run in partnership with local authorities who provide for the efficient management of all materials collected without charge.

To register for National Spring Clean call (01 ) 4002220 or online at www.nationalspringclean.org


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