Council introduces new house purchase schemes

Council tenants are being informed of the ending of the tenant purchase scheme currently in place and the introduction of two new schemes which allow longstanding council tenants and housing applicants to purchase their own homes at a reduced rate.

The Tenant Purchase Scheme, introduced in 1995, is due to come to a close in June 2012, to be replaced by two new schemes - the Longstanding Tenants Scheme which was adopted by the council in March, and another new option the Incremental Purchase Scheme.

The Longstanding Tenants Scheme offers tenants of 10 years or more the opportunity to buy their homes at a discount rate of up to 45 per cent on the market value. Applications for purchase under this scheme must be received by December 31 2011.

The Incremental Purchase Scheme offers a new option to approved social housing applicants and tenants to purchase their own homes. The scheme applies to new-build houses only, and the applicant must have a minimum income of €15,000 per annum.

The council is currently informing all tenants of the ending of the 1995 Tenant Purchase Scheme and the introduction of the Longstanding Tenants Scheme. All tenants and approved housing applicants are also being notified of houses available for sale under the Incremental Purchase Scheme.

Councillors united in welcoming the schemes at Monday’s meeting of Westmeath County Council. However there was some concern from Cllrs Paddy Hill and Denis Leonard over the availability of finance, and from Cllr Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran over instances of antisocial behaviour in housing estates. County manager Dan McLoughlin agreed to revisit the council’s Antisocial Behaviour Policy to assess whether it was achieving the desired results.


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