Westmeath communities encouraged to spring clean

Westmeath communities are this week being encouraged to keep up the good work as the National Spring Clean campaign reaches the half way mark!

Patricia Oliver, National Spring Clean chairperson said, “There has been fantastic support for the National Spring Clean campaign so far from the people of Westmeath. Hundreds of people have registered and clean-up events have been taking place the length and breath of the county from school clean-ups to Tidy Towns groups to sporting groups. We are giving one last shout out to people to register to take part in this very worthwhile campaign and organise a clean-up, big or small over the Easter bank holiday weekend.

The National Spring Clean campaign is Ireland’s largest anti-litter initiative organised by An Taisce and funded by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.

An Taisce is encouraging people to consider organising clean-up events over the long Easter Bank Holiday weekend.

Events already due to take place in Westmeath next week include:

• April 21 and 22, Cloghanboy Resisents Association, Athlone, will be taking part in this years’ National Spring Clean Campiagn. For more information please contact Joan Minagh on (087 ) 2103543.

• April 22, 3rd Westmeath Delvin Scout Group, Delvin, will be showing team spirit by cleaning up their village. Volunteers are asked to meet up at 2pm at the Handball Alley. For more information please contact Jean O’Neill on (044 ) 9664 629.

• April 28, Cara Phort FRC, Mullingar, will be coming together for a clean-up of their village and a family fun day including entertainment and face painting. For more information please contact Maria Quinn on (044 ) 9373060.

The National Spring Clean campaign is sponsored by Coca-Cola HBC Ireland and the Wrigley Company. It is also supported by Repak who supply colour coded refuse sacks for recycling the materials collected and local authorities who co-ordinate activity in their communities.

All those registering for the National Spring Clean campaign are issued with a free clean up kit which contains information, posters, colour coded refuse sacks for segregation of waste materials, protective gloves, and tabards to keep participants clean. National Spring Clean is run in partnership with local authorities who provide for the efficient management of all materials collected without charge.

An Taisce provides free clean-up kits for those registering to take part.

To register for National Spring Clean call (01 ) 4002220 or online at www.nationalspringclean.org


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