Top tips for increasing fuel economy 

• Change up early through the gears. Shift up between 1.700 and 2.500 revolutions (depending on vehicle ).

• Ensure you adopt a smooth style of driving – ease into acceleration.

• Avoid tailgating. Keep your distance between vehicles to ensure you brake smoothly.

• Reduce your speed, driving at 110 kph uses 15 per cent more fuel than at 80 kph

• Use Cruise Control for motorway driving to maintain a constant speed, as it can prove 7 per cent average fuel savings.

• If you have stopped for more than 40 seconds (e.g. level crossing ), save fuel by switching off the engine

• Use the air conditioning sparingly as it can reduce fuel consumption by as much as 20 per cent.

• Check tyre pressure regularly.

• Ensure your vehicle is serviced regularly.

• Remove unnecessary weight from the your car (golf clubs, roof racks etc ).


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