Johnny Worthy returns for West Side Story

Athlone Musical Society is delighted to announce the return of West Side Story, as their upcoming production, which will run for eight nights from Saturday March 5 to Saturday March 12 in the Dean Crowe Theatre, Athlone.

Often described as a musical masterpiece, the Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim production was staged by Athlone Musical Society in 1994. Remembered as one of their best ever productions it ran under the direction of the infamous Johnny Worthy in 1994. The Society decided they couldn’t stage this production unless Johnny Worthy was at the helm as director. Johnny arrived in Athlone on Sunday last bringing with him West End choreographer Jenny Arnold. Jenny is already putting the dance troupe through their paces, helping them to master the energetic and sharp flick knife routines.

Opening night this year promises to be a very special one with the opening night banquet taking place in the Shamrock Lodge Hotel where patrons and sponsors will be entertained by the Camembert Quartet.

“This musical will suit all ages and it’s important that we have full houses each night. As usual this time every year, the society are looking for their usual support from patrons and sponsors. Conscious of the continous economic downturn, we are hoping that we will be received with the same loyalty and support we have experienced over the years. We also invite new patrons and sponsors to come along and support this glorious musical. Anyone who would like to become a patron or sponsor, and enjoy a fabulous opening night with a great show and afterwards dancing to the Camembert Quartet, contact Mike Keena the society’s chairperson. We are offering great value,” society PRO Joan Larkin says.

The committee, cast, and crew of West Side Story are calling on the people of the Midlands to come and support the production this March.

For more information on bookings call the Dean Crowe Theatre on (090 ) 64 92129.


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