Shaw welcomes additional investment in footpath repairs

Fine Gael councillor Alan Shaw sought a major increase in the investment by Athlone Town Council in footpath repairs for housing estates throughout the town.

During the 2011 budget discussions for Athlone Town Council, Cllr Shaw sought an additional spend on footpath repairs of €80,000 to be added to the Block Grant for 2011. In particular, Cllr Shaw has highlighted footpaths in Cypress Gardens, St Annes Tce, Roslevin Lawns, St Francis Tce, Retreat Park, and Retreat Heights during the course of 2010. While some urgent works have been undertaken by the council, it has not been financially possible to fund the extent of repair work that needs to be undertaken, mainly as a result of the severe weather conditions over the past two years.

It was agreed at the January budget meeting that an additional €75,000 will be spent on footpaths over the next three years, commencing in 2011. In addition, the council agreed to pay particular attention to deteriorating footpaths in housing estates when allocating the 2011 Block Grant. The distribution of funds from the Block Grant will be made public in March and Cllr Shaw has welcomed the fact that the council will be spending an additional €25,000 in 2011 on the problem of footpath disrepair.

Cllr Shaw stated that he is very pleased that the council has listened to his concerns and that he looks forward to seeing a gradual improvement in the areas highlighted in the coming years.


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