10 ways to burn 100 calories this Christmas

Seasonal tips from Unislim

Navigating your way around the festive food minefield this Christmas may seem like a challenge so if you happen to have one mince pie too many, get back on track with these little crackers from Unislim, all burning 100 calories!

Get all wrapped up for 40 minutes

Offer to do everyone’s wrapping this year! Standing up while doing it will burn more calories than sitting down and the more time you spend fiddling with bows and ribbon the more you burn.

Supermarket sweep for 23 minutes

Adopt a military attitude to your grocery shop. Don’t waste time looking for a parking space near the door - further away means extra walking and those heavy bags will tone your arms in no time.

Deck the halls for 35 minutes

Turn your decorating into a workout with all that bending and stretching. Stand up while detangling the fairy lights to burn extra calories and standing on your tiptoes to reach to the top of the tree will help your coordination too – just be sure to keep your balance!

Cook up a feast for 25 minutes

It may be freezing outside but if you’re head chef this year you definitely won’t be feeling the chill! Running around will burn lots of calories so enjoy your lunch when you finally sit down.

Hostess with the most-ess for 20 minutes

Entertaining has its advantages – serving food and constant mingling will burn extra calories and although the post-party clean-up can be a pain just think of it as an extra workout!

Dancing queen for 15 minutes

Be the first one on the dance floor at your Christmas party and you’ll have your dessert burned off in no time! If you live in walking distance bring some flats and arrange to walk home with a group of friends.

Season of goodwill for 10 minutes

Check out your local paper to see where your nearest Santa fun run is this Christmas and get involved. It’s a fun day out to give back something to charity.

Be the bearer of gifts for 14 minutes

Leave the car at home when delivering your presents and cards this year. Your sack of goodies will get lighter after each house so that should inspire you to walk faster!

Brrr its cold outside for 20 minutes

Organise a brisk walk for the whole family after your Christmas lunch. Wrap up warm and if your kids have got active presents from Santa let them have their first go outside – just watch out for that ice!

Relax, it’s Christmas for 100 minutes

You only burn one calorie a minute sitting idle so definitely save this for last. Get the family together to watch a Christmas film, or use the time to make lists of things still to do so at least your mind is getting a workout!

You can find more ways to burn calories this Christmas on www.unislimonline.ie


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