TomTom alerts drivers to speed enforcement zones

TomTom tells us that it will help drivers to drive safer and more responsibly with new speed enforcement zone alert in conjunction with the Road Safety Authority.

TomTom, the world’s leading provider of location and navigation solutions has just launched new content for its sat nav devices which will alert users when they are entering or exiting one of the new speed enforcement zones in Ireland.

According to the Road Safety Authority (RSA ) excessive or inappropriate speed is a primary factor in one third of road deaths, each year, in Ireland. Last year, 80 people died and up to 1,000 people were seriously injured on Irish roads due to speeding behaviour. Reducing speed by just 5 per cent could save up to 50 lives every year in this country.

To help significantly reduce the incidence of fatal and serious injuries and improve road safety, An Garda Síochána has identified over 700 locations with a history of speed related collisions. TomTom has developed a way of alerting you to raise your awareness when in these zones to ensure you drive more safely and reponsibly.

As soon as the driver approaches a speed enforcement zone an icon will appear on their TomTom screen and a sound will also alert them. The icon will remain visible while they are driving in the speed enforcement zone. When approaching the end of the zone the driver will be alerted with a sound and the icon will disappear.

TomTom tells us that the speed enforcement zones will be pre-installed on new product ranges and automatically available as soon as you switch on the device. Owners of XL IQRoutes2 will be offered the speed enforcement zones file via a free download from TomTom. As and when the zones change these will be updated at a later date via subscription.

For older devices such as the XL and ONE, they offer a free speed enforcement zone point of interest file that is available via


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