Mullingar badminton club notes

The season is now back in full swing and over the last month the Mullingar badminton club has had a great turnout and already planning is afoot to organise a number of teams for a variety of competitions. The club hopes to have full details of the Westmeath/ Longford League in the coming weeks and they would hope to be in a position to enter a number of teams at all the grades available.

Anyone interested in finding out more should contact Tom Roche or any of the committee members for up to date details.

Adults: There will be badminton on Monday and Wednesday nights as usual from 8pm and all are welcome. Alternatively any new members or beginners wishing to ease themselves into the new season are welcome on Tuesday nights from 8pm.

Juniors: Coaching continues on Friday nights from 7pm to 9pm, cost is €25 until Christmas, limited places are still available. Contact Rose on (087 ) 2734997 for further details.


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