Temple Spa provides the guest with the experience of feeling healthy and well. When this experience is combined with information, instruction, and practice on diet, exercise, and relaxation techniques, one has the tools and the motivation for lifestyle change.
Adopting healthy lifestyle practices will prolong our enjoyment of good health, and allow us achieve more of our goals, both personal and economic. It will postpone the onset of ill health and costly medical care. It will help in coping and recovering from illness and adversity. It will empower us to get more from life.
Free health awareness evening at Temple Spa:
Temple Spa would like to welcome you to its free health awareness evening on Wednesday September 29 at 7.30pm, where they will provide exercise, nutrition, skincare, and stress management talks, demos, as well as free vouchers and refreshments. Meet the Temple team and pick up some wellness tips!
Health and wellness activity mornings at Temple
Temple Spa is now offering Activity Mornings every Wednesday at 9.45am, which includes two hours of activity; pick from a yoga class and guided walk or Chi-Kung and Bums and Tums class for just €15. Drop the kids to school and get away for a couple of hours, release tensions, exercise, and learn new skills that will benefit you in your everyday life.
For enquiries please phone (057 ) 9335118 or email reservations@templespa.ie