The midlands branch of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD ) is pleased to announce details of the launch of their programme of events for 2010/2011. This event will take place in the Tullamore Court Hotel at 6pm on Wednesday September 15.
This is the launch and first event in an exciting programme of events for 2010/2011 provided by the CIPD Midlands region committee, as the branch goes from strength to strength. The overriding theme throughout the upcoming programme of events will focus on building industrial and employee relations expertise in public and private organisations. Fittingly, this first event will also feature a seminar in conjunction with IBEC on Leading Local Level Pay Negotiations in a New Economic and Competitive Era.
The CIPD Midlands region provides a forum for HR and business leaders in both public and private enterprises to network and share information, skills, and best practice in the area of human resource management, employment law, employee and industrial relations. The CIPD Midlands region is an active member of the Midlands Gateway Chamber and works closely with AIT, FAS, Enterprise Ireland, IDA, and other midlands agencies to support regional initiatives and to promote people development and business performance.
The speakers on the evening will be Tim O’Connell (head of IR/HR manufacturing, IBEC ) and Doreen Gerety (chairperson, CIPD Midlands Committee ).
Tim O’Connell has worked in IBEC for over 12 years. As head of IR/HR manufacturing, he provides advice and third party representation to employers across various industries, presently specializing in the area of manufacturing, engineering, security, and the commercial semi-state sector.
The event, which promises to be a very topical, informative, and engaging one, is open to all, and will be of particular interest to business managers, HR professionals, and students during these challenging times.
To attend this event, please RSVP to by today, Friday September 10.
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
All CIPD Midlands events are free and open to all those who wish to attend. Should you wish to be placed on the distribution list, please contact Patrick O’Brien, secretary CIPD Midlands region, by emailing .