Vanish those stretchmarks with a little help from Temple Spa

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful natural experiences a woman can have but it can also have its downside: strecthmarks.

At Temple Spa, Horseleap, Moate they have a wide range of maternity treatments to help you relax, ease muscle tension, and also help combat the appearance of strechmarks.

Temple Spa use leading skincare brand Mama Mio, and there is no other time in a woman’s life when she more deservers to be luxuriously pampered than when she is pregnant.

Mama Mio skincare is primarily designed to do one thing: increase the skin’s natural elasticity.

You’re going to grow and then shrink, and it’s a battle Temple Spa can help you fight.

Your secret weapon is the continual and plentiful use of essential fatty acids (omega 3, 6, and 9 ) to nourish the lipid layer of your skin, helping maintain the suppleness and elasticity. Research has clinically proven that EFAs help skin’s elasticity and improve the very integrity of the skin cells, helping your skin stretch and recover.

All of their Mama Mio maternity skin care products are rich in essential fatty acids to help your skin stretch and return to its wonderful pre-pregnancy form.


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