Feud assault brothers - one jailed one waits

One of the two brothers involved in the feud assault on a mother in the Willow Park area on May 25 was jailed for his part in the offence, whilst his sibling must wait until a judge views the injury inflicted before deciding in which court he should be dealt with.

In court this week (June 2 ) Patrick O’Neill (21 ), of 116, Meadowbrook, Willow Park pleaded guilty to possession of an offensive weapon during the row outside the home of Ms Stacey Ring in Thornbury Drive on the morning of May 25 in which Ms Ring, who was carrying a baby at the time, was struck over the head with a wooden bat and required six staples to close the wound when attended to in hospital.

The court heard from Detective Eamonn Cunnane how tensions in the area had escalated after Patrick had been released from prison on May 19 after serving 15 months of a three year sentence for possession of an explosive substance.

“In his favour, he was sorry for his behaviour and apologised for his actions” said Det Garda Cunnane.

“Fortunately, the injured party and her baby are OK.”

“Circumstances have, unfortunately, taken on a life of their own,” said his solicitor, Mr Mark Cooney.

“What particularly concerns me, Mr Cooney, is your client was released on May 19 and less than a week later is involved in this dispute? I convict and sentence him to three months in prison,” said Judge Denis McLoughlin, who then turned to deal with his older brother, Raymond (23 ) of 125, Meadowbrook who was pleading guilty to the actual assault.

Before deciding whether to try Raymond himself or pass his case up to a superior court, the judge asked Det Garda Cunnane about the level of scarring on the injured party and if she would be able to attend court so he could judge for himself.

After contacting Ms Ring, the detective told the judge she would be available to attend next week. Mr Cooney then sought bail for his client but this was vigorously opposed by Det Garda Cunnane.

“He has offended on bail on a number of occasions before,” he told the court, before pointing out how this O’Neill had 26 previous convictions and three previous bench warrants issued against him.

“The feud may be lit again...I’d be very worried if this man was released into Willow Park tonight.”

“He has no respect for law or for any human being. If I felt that nobody would be hurt tonight then I wouldn’t be objecting to bail,” said Detective Cunnane.

Mr Cooney offered an address in Ennis, Co Clare at which Raymond could reside with his girlfriend.

“I was led to believe his girlfriend lived in Athlone,” countered Det Garda Cunnane.

Unable to decide jurisdiction until viewing the extent of Ms Ring’s injuries, Judge McLoughlin allowed bail, but set it at a prohibitive €5,000 in cash, to be approved by both court and Gardai.

If he could make this bail, Raymond would still have to abide by a 10pm to 8am curfew, sign on daily at Ennis Garda Station and not interfere with any witnesses before being remanded back to court next week, June 9.

Until this money is raised, O’Neill would have to stay in Cloverhill remand prison.


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