Comedy comes to Athlone – Little Theatre on the move

Athlone Little Theatre is leaving their home of nearly 50 years to take their mission for comedy to the streets of Athlone.

They are making it their mission to banish your recession gloom, at least for a night, as they take a selection of hilarious short comedy pieces to venues across the town, including AIT, the Sheraton Hotel, and Athlone Library.

Absorb yourselves in the tale of Melvyn the hilariously lecherous book shop owner. Take a dip in the comedy delight of Animal Noises, as a woman with a weakness for spirited fun takes a novel approach to getting rid of her husband. Sympathise with the three old ladies demolishing their bottles of sherry and lamenting the passage of decent manners, and enjoy 10 minutes in the company of a fortune teller with a decidedly businesslike approach to the spirit world.

There is something in this potpourri to whet every palate. Each piece is no more than 10 minutes long, and side-splittingly hilarious. Best of all, each event is absolutely free. That’s right, there’s no charge, no money, just pure fun.

Athlone Little Theatre will be at Scribes’ Bar in AIT on Tuesday April 20 at 8pm, the front bar in the Sheraton Hotel on Wednesday April 21 from 8pm, and Athlone Library on Thursday April 22 from 7pm. All of these events are free and fully open to the public.

The show will be premiering in Athlone Little Theatre on Monday April 19 at 8pm, again entirely free of charge.

This top of the range comedy invasion force includes Mary Johnston, Clive Darling, Brian Toolan, Arlena Whyte, Jason Gill, Liz Shiel, Mairead O’Connor, Anne Hoey, Karen Quinn, and Sara Edwards. The directors of the four pieces are Paddy Martin, John McGlynn, Fidelma Nixon, and Jason Gill.

This is the Little Theatre’s contribution to banishing the gloom of these quite unprecedented times. Come along and take a look – go on, go on, go on.


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