It’s showtime for the pirates

Athlone Musical Society is ready and confident that The New Pirates of Penzance production is ready to hit the stage on Saturday March 6, their opening night to their patrons and sponsors, and the beginning of their week long run. It’s been a long hard eight weeks for the cast and the production team, but everybody is bursting to get the show on the road.

The subtitle for the pirates is the slave of duty and here lies the message of the story. The scene is set in Cornwall, where the famous Pirates of Penzance are discovered in their rocky cove under their muddle headed king. They have gathered to say farewell to Frederick, their apprentice who at midday will be out of his indentures. Frederick imagines he must be in love with Ruth his nurse maid, who apprenticed him to a band of pirates instead of to a pilot, until suddenly a crowd of beautiful, delicate, and delightful girls arrive for a picnic with their father, Major General Stanley. He is smitten, and his love is returned by the mellifluous Mabel.

Booking office is now open at Golden Island Shopping Centre, ring directly to (085 ) 2133091 or Dean Crowe Theatre on (090 ) 6492129. Show opens nightly at 8pm with the exception of the Sunday matinee which will commence at 5pm.

Mick Keena, chairman of Athlone Musical Society, would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person involved in some way or other with the production of Pirates of Penzance, and especially to all cast members who have given such commitment to the production.


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