Mullingar Choral Society brings Messiah to town

George Frideric Handel’s Messiah is an English oratorio, and one of the most popular works in the western choral literature. So it’s no surprise that Mullingar Choral Society is set to produce it next weekend.

Messiah presents an interpretation of the Christian view of the Messiah, or the anointed one as Jesus the Christ. Divided into three parts, the libretto covers the prophecies concerning the Christ, the birth, miracles, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, and finally the end times with the Christ's final victory over death and sin.

Mullingar Choral Society was founded as a concert choir in 1968. In the following years membership expanded with the choir performing mainly in Mullingar and in recent years the National Concert Hall in Dublin.

In 1999 the current musical director Fergus O’Carroll was appointed, and the choir presented Handel’s Messiah for its Millennium concert in 2000. Membership is at an all time high with 110 people signing up last October.

Messiah will be performed by Mullingar Choral Society on Sunday March 7 in the Cathedral of Christ The King, Mullingar.


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