Local nutritionist offers healthy weight loss advice

As the weigh-in day for participants dawns, Lynda McFarland, who is a nutritional consultant and wholefoods cookery instructor, has some great tips to assist people over the coming six weeks of Lent. Organiser of the Slimathon Cllr Aengus O’Rourke said, “We want people to take on the challenge of losing weight over Lent and in turn raise some euros for Ss Peter and Paul’s Church. Most people will give up luxury items for Lent anyway but this is an opportunity to go that extra mile. Anyone can come along on Monday February 15 to the Sheraton Athlone Hotel at 7pm to get weighed in and they will get their sponsorship cards also. The Sheraton Fitness Centre is also giving six weeks free membership to participants so there are no excuses!”

On nutrition Lynda said “What is incredibly important to remember when embarking on a weight loss programme is that the body requires more than just energy from the food we eat. Empty calories from processed foods and alcohol are lacking in essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, which the body needs to function normally. This explains why people who diet excessively often look pale and tired with poor quality skin and hair…Choose foods that provide you with essential nutrients for body and mind so that you will have the energy to exercise and a positive outlook to stay focused. This is in fact a very clever chain of events when we stop to think about it. Nutrient dense foods have the ability to improve mood and brain function by literally feeding the brain the minerals and vitamins it requires. This, coupled with exercise, which releases mood-enhancing endorphins, will help to keep a person feeling positive and therefore motivated. Healthy whole foods also have the ability to promote weight loss simply and effectively by regulating blood sugar levels thereby preventing cravings and prolonging feelings of fullness by providing slow-releasing energy.”

Lynda also recommends drinking two litres of water a day “It can be common for people to confuse hunger with dehydration. In addition, water naturally suppresses the appetite.”

The weigh-in takes place in the Sheraton Athlone Hotel on Monday February 15 at 7pm. All are welcome. For more information contact Karen on (087 ) 9480007.


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