Time for a new year and a new you?

Dublin Marathon encourages Westmeath runners to lace up in 2010

It’s that time of year again, when the nation lets out a deep sigh and resigns to make amends for the indulgences of the festive season. If you’re considering new year resolutions, then why not make a resolution to run the 31st Dublin Marathon on October 25?

Last year saw the highest number of Irish entrants take on the Marathon Challenge. Organisers are hoping to keep the momentum going and are calling on all Westmeath runners to lace up for 2010.

To encourage those running virgins out there, they are offering 12 first-time marathon runners from around the country free entry to the marathon and the race series, a training programme, and a full set of adidas technical running gear to get them kitted out and ready for the off.

Anyone can do a marathon with a little motivation and a training plan to suit your lifestyle, and of course, everyone should get a health check before embarking on a new fitness regime.

First-time runners can email [email protected] to be a part of the Lifestyle Sports-adidas Dublin Marathon virgin dozen, and make your new year’s resolution one to remember.

Find out more at www.dublinmarathon.ie


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