Auditions open for Athlone Musical Society’s My Fair Lady

Following their outstanding production of Sweeney Todd, Athlone Musical Society return with one of the oldies My Fair Lady. Last performed in the Dean Crowe Theatre in 1983 by the society, members felt it was time to take a look at some of the more traditional type musicals, and perhaps a musical that had already been performed by the society many years ago.

After going through all the lists of shows My Fair Lady was deemed the 2009 production for the society.

According to PRO Joan Larkin, “the film of My Fair Lady is known to all, and has often been described as ‘the most loverly’ motion picture of them all.” This musical has been performed by many secondary schools nationwide over the last number of years, so the society is hoping lots of schools will come and see Athlone Musical Society’s production, running from Saturday March 7 to Saturday March 14 inclusive. For those who aren’t familiar with the storyline, it revolves aroud Eliza Doolittle, a Cockney flower girl in Edwardian London, who runs into young Freddie. She admonishes him for spilling her violets in the mud, but cheers up when an older gentleman buys a flower. She then flies into an angry outburst when she sees another man copying down her speeh. The man explains that he studies phonetics and can identify any man’s origin by his accent. He laments Eliza’s dreadful accent, and declares that in six months he could turn Eliza into a lady by teaching her to speak properly.

The older gentleman introduces himself as Colonel Pickering, a linguist who has studied Indian dialects. The phoneticist introduces himself as Henry Higgins. As both Colonel Pickering and Henry Higgins wanted to meet each other, Higgins invites Pickering to stay at his home in London.

Pat Dwyer will be directing the society’s 2009 production. Pat is new to the society, and is a well known director across the country, espicially in the Dublin area. Pat will be working alongside choreographer Laura Martin, who has worked for a number of years with Greenhills Musical Society in Walkinstown. Musical director for the production will be Philip Shortt from Loughrea, and Heather Shine will be the chorus mistress.

Auditions will then be held on Friday October 3 at 7pm for the principal roles and Friday October 10 at 7pm for the chorus in the Prince of Wales. If you wish to get a script or score, or simply for further information contact Hil`ary on (086 ) 8423272.


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