Successful club championships at Athlone Tennis Club

The Keenan Sports/Bank of Ireland senior club championship matches were played over the past two weeks at Athlone Tennis Club, in unseasonable weather.

However, the finals, which were played last Saturday, in very favourable conditions, were rewarding and were a very successful occasion for many ladies and gents of Athlone Tennis Club. A large number of games including ladies’ and men’s singles, ladies’ and men’s doubles, and mixed doubles matches were contested in a fair and sporting manner.

All the tennis skills were witnessed with lots of stamina-sapping rallies and courageous volleying from highly skilful and superfit competitors. Two very talented Polish players contested the men’s singles final and served up a thriller in which Darek Materniak came out on top against Lucas Mierzwa. These two players have raised the standard of tennis in Athlone considerably since their arrival.

Before the presentation, club chairperson, Dave Costello, congratulated all the competitors for their participation, and thanked sponsors Peter Keenan and Gerry McInerney, manager Bank of Ireland, for their keen interest and generous support for Athlone Tennis Club.

Junior and senior autumn leagues

Members interested in playing in these team competitions should register in the clubhouse before September 30. Junior Members may text their names to Martin O’Rourke at (085 ) 7200522.

Tennis will commence for students of Athlone IT in early October and will take place on Tuesday nights from 6.30pm to 8pm.


Option one

Saturday morning coaching recommences on October 11. For details please contact club coach Clem Higginbotham at (086 ) 4022490.

Option two

Derek Stenson is organising coaching for small groups of children to commence in September and will continue until December.

Details at (086 ) 3828903

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