Funding available for Battery Heights reassures Boxer

Fianna Fail councillor Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran has this week reassured residents of Battery Heights that funding for the regeneration and maintenance of the area is available. Minister for Housing and Local Services, Michael Finneran had made a pre local election promise of some €205,000 to the residents of Battery Heights; however there was some question as to where the monies would come from.

Deputy Finneran had made the commitment of funding for Battery Heights at a brief of the local authority’s Social Housing Investment Programme; €205,000 for the environmental improvement of Battery Heights and €58,000 towards tackling anti-social behaviour in the Willow Park and Meadowbrook estates.

Speaking to the Advertiser, Cllr Moran said that the €205,000 part of the funding would be coming from Deputy’s Finneran’s department. “There was a mix-up recently as to whether or not this funding is available, but after talking to Michael Finneran myself I can confirm that we will be getting funding,” explained Cllr Moran.

“The €58,000 promised for Willow Park regeneration should also be there for us,” added Cllr Moran. “We were told that this money was set aside by Michael Finneran. The Willow Park residents’ committee will be meeting shortly to discuss the funding and how it should be used.”


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