Naughten seeking reassurances over McQuaid’s bridge closure

South Roscommon (Athlone electoral area ) councillor, John Naughten, is seeking reassurances that work on the Athlone Town Drainage Scheme will be completed as soon as possible to limit disruption caused by the closure of McQuaid’s Bridge.

“The scheme will involve closure of the road at McQuaid’s Bridge, which will cause significant inconvenience to the residents of the Clonown area for over two months.

“This also occurred last year due to the work to install flood defences in Athlone and there is a deep sense of frustration from local residents that this is taking place again,” Cllr Naughten said.

Cllr Naughten will raise the issue at the next meeting of the Athlone Municipal District where he will request that Roscommon County Council writes to Westmeath County Council seeking to ensure that the contractor carries out the drainage scheme works within the shortest timeframe possible.

“This is necessary to minimise the inconvenience that is going to be caused to residents of the Clonown area over this period of time as they will have to take a significant detour which could be up to 12km in and out of Athlone each day,” Cllr. Naughten added.

The closure is due to take place from May 20 until July 28 2024.


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