Moate Tidy Towns to enter national competition

Following an absence of numerous years, the Moate Tidy Towns committee has taken the decision to enter the SuperValu TidyTowns competition.

The SuperValu TidyTowns competition commenced in 1958 and has since become Ireland’s best-known sustainable and environmental initiative. The competition is administered by the Department of Rural and Community Development and has been proudly sponsored by SuperValu since 1991.

The primary focus of Moate Tidy Towns is to improve our local environment and make our area a better place to live, work and visit; this creates a ‘sense of place’ for those living in the area. Over the past year Moate Tidy Towns volunteers can be seen each Saturday morning tackling an area of the town aiming to maintain and enhance the town’s cleanliness.

“We are developing a strategic plan to enhance the streetscape of the town and the approach roads,” said chairman of the committee, John Galvin. “We want to create a welcoming approach to the town and an increased level of floral and arboreal presence along the main thoroughfare. We have introduced two new high-tech bins and it is our intention to place more around the town.

“The generosity of the Price family has allowed us to have a place from which to operate. We also work collaboratively with Moate Town team and Moate Railway, among others, so that we maximise the resources we and avoid duplication of work. Our ambitious plans include the placing of floral arrangements on the lampposts and placing larger planting container along the meridian in Church Street.

“Our motto, ‘Together We Can’, encapsulates our recognition that only by working as a community will we achieve our goals. We appeal to people to help us by donating their time to our Saturday morning clean ups that take place from 9am to 11am,” Mr Galvin added.

Previous adjudication reports noted that Moate is a beautiful town with a caring community with many fine recreational facilities and a handsome and historic built environment. John Galvin stated that the current committee is determined to built on these very positive comments.

A church gate collection is planned for May 11 and 12 to raise much need funds for the work ahead. If you would like to get involved with the work come along any Saturday morning or contact one of the committee, namely, John Galvin, Turlough O’Brien, Angela Walsh Brown, Kay Bannon, James Glynn, Nuala McDermott or Joe Whelan.


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