Troy welcomes €79 million in funding for primary, post-primary and special schools

Local Fianna Fáil Deputy, Robert Troy, has welcomed confirmation from his party colleague, Minister for Education Norma Foley, of €79 million in funding to support digital learning in schools and minor building works.

Minister Foley announced €50 million in grant funding for Information and Communications Technology (ICT ) for all recognised primary and post-primary schools and a separate €29 million in minor works funding is being provided to primary and special schools.

“I am delighted to welcome this funding as it will support primary, post-primary and special schools to enhance school settings, teaching and learning to the benefit of both pupils and students.

“The ICT funding will be provided to schools to help them continue to use digital technologies in their teaching, learning and assessment, while the minor works funding can be used by these schools for maintenance and small-scale improvements to school buildings and grounds.

“Digital technologies can open up a world of opportunities to our pupils and students, so it is very important that we continue to support schools to ensure they can embed the use of digital technologies in their teaching, learning and assessment.

“As well as the ICT funding, the €29 million in funding for minor works will be vital in allowing school communities to address issues at local level as they provide the necessary flexibility to address different issues.

“The minor works payments will go towards areas such as the maintenance of school buildings and towards new and upgraded school infrastructure,” Deputy Troy said.

The Digital Strategy ICT grant will consist of a €2,000 basic grant for primary schools plus an additional payment of €39 per mainstream pupil, €43 per pupil in DEIS schools and €47 per pupil with special needs attending a special school or attending a special class attached to a mainstream primary school. For example, a 100 pupil-primary school will receive €5,973 and a 500 pupil- primary school will receive €21,865.

Post-primary schools will be paid a €2,000 basic grant plus €47 per mainstream student and €52 per student in DEIS schools. A 500 student- post-primary school would receive €25,840 and a 1,000 student-post-primary school would receive €49,680.

Deputy Troy concluded by welcoming confirmation from Minister Foley that the Department of Education’s Planning and Building Unit is currently finalising updated guidance for schools in relation to good practice arrangements for maintenance of school buildings.


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