Enhance health and wellness with HYROX at CrossFit Croí

Ursula Hickey and Patrice Kenny established Crossfit Croi in 2016

Ursula Hickey and Patrice Kenny established Crossfit Croi in 2016

Do you want to build and strengthen muscle but don’t know why or how?

If your answer is ‘YES’ then a visit to Crossfit Croi in the Blyry Business and Commercial Park is a MUST.

Speaking to the Athlone Advertiser, Ursula Hickey who, with Patrice Kenny established Crossfit Croi in 2016, noted the benefits of HYROX training.

“We lose muscle as we age. We need muscle strength to do our daily tasks, even getting up from bed or a chair requires muscle strength.

“At CrossFit Croí, we train for life. We help you improve cardiovascular and muscular strength, laying the foundation for a lifetime of fun and adventure. HYROX training utilises both cardio and strength in each class without the technicalities of gymnastics or Olympic lifting barbell work.

“HYROX is a global fitness race, so if you are the competitive athlete, these classes are also for you. The competition race is the same format worldwide and you can compete as an individual, as a pair, or in a relay team of four participants.

“At CrossFit Croí we are building a team of healthy, strong individuals who in turn help influence their friends, family and eventually communities to become healthier, fitter and stronger.*

“We know that a quarter of our population is classed as inactive. If we increase physical activity by just 20 minutes a day, we can achieve a reduction of 30% in all causes of mortality, dementia by up to 30%, hip fractures by up to 68%, depression by up to 30%, cardiovascular disease by up to 36%, type 2 diabetes by up to 40%, colon cancer by 30%, breast cancer by 20%

“Remember, what you do now determines what you will be able to do in your 60s, 70s and 80s.

“Contact us today at CrossFit Croí and together we can discuss your fitness and wellness future plans,” Ursula said.

For further information, contact Crossfit Croi on their INSTAGRAM/FACEBOOK pages or call 085 8186055 today.


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