Baysports launched at Hodson Bay

The new Baysports Boat Training and Water Sports centre located at Hodson Bay is a state-of-the-art boat training and water sport facility and will be a centre of excellence in adventure sports, training, and adventure tourism.

The centre, located at Hodson Bay on Lough Ree on the outskirts of Athlone, was launched on Monday this week by Deputy Mary O’Rourke.

The unique facility will promote active participation and deliver a broad range of courses and programmes to the community of the Midlands and beyond. The facility is a testimony to the proactive involvement of Roscommon County Council in the promotion and development of enterprises in the county. The council provided this facility in conjunction with Failte Ireland under the National Development Plan 2000-2006.

The combination of professional management which Richard O’ Hara and his team bring to the table, along with the boat training facility provided by Roscommon County Council at Hodson Bay, will ensure that this joint venture will succeed. With Mr O’ Hara’s long time involvement in similar enterprises in Achill, Co Mayo, he can say with great confidence, that in the immediate term the core products, such as educational and recreational day school tours for primary school children and summer fun activity weeks, will be key strengths.

Hodson Bay on Lough Ree is a tailor-made location and an excellent destination for this type of product. The product, which is anchored on the natural environment, will satisfy the needs of a range of market segments. Proposed schedules, programmes, and training courses have already been planned and designed to include the following:

ISA accredited Summer Fun Sail Training courses (age 8-18 years )

Fun, Freedom & Adventure Activity Summer Camps (age 6-16 years )

Adult Sail Training Courses

Sea Legs – phase 1 (primary and secondary school students )

Bay Sports Challenge (company workers and professionals )

Transition Year Programme

Educational and Recreational Day Tours (primary schools )

In addition it is also proposed that the facility will be a national training centre for a number of other national Government body accredited programmes. These will be held at various times throughout the year.

There has been significant interest, cooperation, and support from a variety of organisations, businesses, and locals who have offered encouragement and displayed goodwill towards the project. It is generally regarded that the opportunities this centre will provide in terms of services, training, employment, and enjoyment will be a significant boost to Roscommon, Westmeath, and the extended Midlands area. It is also envisaged that this project will be a catalyst for further development.

Hodson Bay Boat Training and Water Sports Centre, Hodson Bay, Athlone, Co Roscommon. Tel/fax (090 ) 6494801, email, or visit


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