Midland hospitals urging you to protect yourself from Covid-19 and flu this winter

The Department of Public Health, HSE Dublin & Midlands and Midlands Hospital at Tullamore and Portlaoise Hospitals have come together to support healthcare workers to protect themselves and the public from Covid-19 and influenza this winter.

Ahead of the busy Christmas period the HSE is calling on people who are eligible for a vaccine to prioritise it particularly if you are caring for vulnerable patients or family members.

Flu and Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective vaccines, and they can be given at the same appointment. As we face into another winter with threats from varying viruses and the twin threats of Covid-19 and flu, and rising levels of respiratory infection, (levels ) we are calling on healthcare workers and the identified groups in the general public to get vaccinated to protect themselves and the patients and service users they care for.

Dedicated vaccination clinics for healthcare workers are being hosted in the hospitals on an ongoing basis over the coming weeks. All healthcare workers can also avail of both vaccinations for free through their GP or local pharmacy.

“Healthcare staff are up to 10 times more likely to get influenza compared to the general population, and each year the Winter Vaccinations campaign encourages them to get vaccinated to protect themselves, their patients and their families.

"The HSE is also urging the eligible cohorts in the wider community to avail of both winter vaccines, as they are the best protection against flu and COVID-19 this year. The vaccines are safe and effective. The HSE only uses vaccines when they meet the required standards of safety and effectiveness and after the European Medicine’s Agency (EMA ) has licensed them. Vaccines offer strong protection. Though specific levels of effectiveness can vary from person to person, if vaccinated people do get sick, they are likely to have milder symptoms," supporting an information seminar HSE colleagues from the Department of Public Health HSE Dublin & Midlands, Dr. Mary Ward, said.

The threat of Covid-19 also remains, and the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC ) has recommended this autumn that health and care workers get their vaccine. This will give your immune system the top up it needs to protect you from serious illness.

“We’re encouraging all our hospital staff to get the flu and Covid-19 vaccines to protect themselves and the people they care for in their workplace, work colleagues and their loved ones at home. Over the coming weeks, we will be maintaining the focus on access to vaccination clinics for staff in our hospital where both vaccines will be on offer. It is safe and convenient to receive both vaccines at the same time, and I encourage all healthcare staff to avail of this opportunity," Louisea Burke, Director of Nursing, Midland Regional Hospital Tullamore and Oliva Lafferty, Director of Nursing Midland Regional Hospital Portlaoise, stated.

“If you work in a healthcare setting, you are at a much higher risk of getting flu and Covid-19 compared to the general population. You can also spread these viruses to others including elderly and vulnerable patients. This winter, we’re urging all healthcare workers across the Dublin and Midlands to get vaccinated against both flu and Covid-19 to protect themselves and the people they’re taking care of every day. There will be vaccination clinics for healthcare workers across the region over the coming weeks where you can get both vaccines at the same time," Dr Mary Ward, Consultant in Public Health Medicine at Public Health Dublin and Midlands, concluded.


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