Recent Coosan road restoration works welcomed by Keena

Local Fianna Fáil councillor Frankie Keena has welcomed the recent road restoration works which Westmeath County Council have conducted in the rural Coosan area.

“The works extend from Coosan National School to the Pump, a distance of 970 metres. I received a large number of representations from the public with regards to the poor state of this section of road and now I am just delighted to see it restored to such an excellent high spec finish.

“Next year, as a council, we will be drawing up a new three year road works programme, so I will be putting forward a proposal to improve upon additional roads in the Coosan as well as upgrading the numerous routes which I have on my list from different locations within the Municipal District.

“I want to take this opportunity to commend the staff within the local authority roads department for delivering a comprehensive roads programme during this current year,” Cllr Keena asserted.


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