Preserving heritage - restoration project supported by Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme

Farmer Brian Mac An Tullie recently participated in the Traditional Farm Buildings Grant Scheme, a project supported by the Heritage Council and The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

This grant covers up to 75% of the costs. The project benefited from the expertise of Blair Adamson, a conservation consultant from Athlone. Adamson's knowledge ensured the authenticity of the shed was retained.

Micheal Costello, a skilled contractor from Mullingar, used restoration methods that honored the traditional craftsmanship of the original structure. The emphasis was on reusing and repairing existing materials and any new materials sourced locally.

The project required a bat and bird survey ensuring work did not interfere with nesting. As part of the project barn owl boxes were installed. The Heritage Council expressed their satisfaction with the outcome of this project and commended all involved for preserving and promoting Ireland's cultural heritage


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