Athlone-Moate Municipal District members hear of proposed upgrade to Wansboro Park

A proposed enhancement plan for Wansboro Park presented during the most recent sitting of Athlone-Moate Municipal District has received support from the members in attendance.

Making the presentation in the council chamber, District Engineer, Willie Ryan, stated that a budget of €170,000 had been allocated by the local authority towards the refurbishment of the park.

“We need to ensure we adequately plan for the refurbishment of Wansboro Park with the funding available to us as we aim to realise the full potential of this site,” Mr Ryan said.

While offering her support to the proposed changes to the Wansboro Park, District Mayor, Cllr Louise Heavin, queried if it were possible to widen the footpaths to enable better planting and also requested that the installation of cricket nets could be included as part of future developments.

Cllr Aengus O’Rourke complimented the proposed developments at Wansboro Park, his thoughts echoed by Cllr John Dolan who called upon the local residents to be “cool and calm” pertaining to the time frame for the refurbishment of the site.

“Residents may be under the impression that such a refurbishment will happen immediately, but that will not be the case. This is just a start, but it is a positive development. Whatever we can do to open this park as a public amenity for the people of Athlone must be done,” Cllr Dolan asserted.

Reflecting his thoughts, Cllr Frankie Keena, noted that the proposed plan incorporated the suggestions of those within the community in close proximity to Wansboro Park.

“I welcome the plan brought forward by the council to upgrade Wansboro Park. This is a community driven plan whereby most suggestions that were submitted by the numerous local residents associations including Athlone RehabCare and the Athlone Irish Wheelchair Association have been incorporated.

“The plan is going to be implemented on a phased basis relating to the funding available. At the moment, the council has a budget of approximately €170,000 to commence this plan. The first phase will see a complete upgrade of the existing footpaths to a two metre width plus the provision of new ones.

“Secondly, the existing playground will receive a complete overhaul with additional play equipment and low fencing and thirdly, the overgrowth in the park will be cut back and made more aesthetically pleasing.

“These works will be of great assistance to people of all abilities to enjoy this park. I have inquired as to when the much needed astro turf pitch will be installed in the park, as this was also a strong request from the community and it is planned to construct same under the second phase of development works, a gravelled base having been retained to accommodate this facility.

“I am delighted to be continually linking and supporting the community about their wishes to upgrade Wansboro Park. My support will always be there. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who made such great submissions, the community voice is so important,” Cllr Keena concluded.


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